The Luling Foundation
The Luling Foundation is an Agriculture Demonstration Farm that was founded by Mr. Edgar B. Davis in 1927. It was organized as a non-profit and is comprised of 1100 plus acres located on the western edge of Luling, Texas along the San Marcos River.
The Foundation strives to create opportunities in agriculture for farmers and ranchers by conducting and demonstrating diversified agricultural practices. Over time, we have conducted operations involving row crops, pecans, bull and heifer development, dairying, sheep, swine and an integrated turkey operation.
In addition, we have pasture management programs, fencing demonstrations, cool season forage variety trials, gardening, fruit trees, rainwater harvesting, and land stewardship programs. We work in conjunction with Texas Agrilife Extension to promote Literacy of Agriculture to the public.
We conduct general and topic specific field days for youth and adults, along with providing scholarships for careers in agriculture, healthcare and vocational trades. Also, we host events for 4-H clubs and FFA chapters and have a Youth Farm Safety Day and a Kids Farm Camp each year.
In 2000, The Luling Foundation started its Black Angus cattle herd. Our selection program combines using performance data and phenotype to create breeding bulls and females that provide for the needs of the commercial and purebred breeder alike. We utilize embryo transfer and artificial insemination to create breed leading genetics from the best Angus cattle available for use in both purebred and commercial cattle operations.
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